- Subrion CMS Changelog - >> From 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 << - Bug #874: Adapt package index page - Bug #926: Can not edit Gallery Image Title after image is added. - Bug #928: Issue with file uploads in admin panel - Bug #929: Make better design for search results on frontend - Bug #943: Admin Panel: text in help blocks crosses borders if too long - Bug #950: Admin Panel: add class and styles for tree toggle links - Bug #951: Styles for Redirect page - Bug #952: Can not select sponsored date - Bug #953: Problem with 'add to favorites' actions - Bug #955: Incorrect date format for remote plugins - Bug #957: Design frontend notifFloatBox - Bug #959: Edit titles for Picture Gallery field - Bug #964: Compress JS works incorrectly - Bug #966: Sensitive case for files types validation - Bug #969: Wrong days count on dashboard + Feature #112: Improve blocks + Feature #375: Create method to detect browser + Feature #930: Add a script-wide function to remove uploaded pictures + Feature #956: Improve log class to accept correct URLs + Feature #958: Admin Panel: Implement tooltips for config options + Feature #961: Add/display description for fieldgroups + Feature #962: Display fieldgroups as tabs + Feature #963: Add collapsible on/off for fieldgroups >> From 3.0.1 to 3.0.2 << - Bug #714: Loop redirect when trying to install to several server configurations - Bug #850: Package cannot be created without adminblocks tags - Bug #874: Adapt package index page - Bug #927: Review design for all fields types on frontend - Bug #979: Dropping cache on Packages page causes error - Bug #980: Can not fully clear cache folder - Bug #988: Backend: Unable to remove images if assigned to the field of type Single Image Upload - Bug #990: Edit block does not work for JS blocks - Bug #994: Adding fields to groups odd behaviour - Bug #996: underscore.min.js not found - Bug #997: Incorrect dimensions for image field - Bug #999: Set greater width for grid numberer - Bug #1001: Pages filter does not work correctly - Bug #1004: Creating new field: errors after wrong filling of inputs - Bug #1005: Australia timezone is not listed - Bug #1006: Database export: doesn't work / works incorrectly - Bug #1007: Incorrect links to Manage / Config pages for a plugin - Bug #1008: Incorrect log formation for packages + Feature #578: To make capable to show custom messages at 403 Forbidden error + Feature #703: Implement forced files update + Feature #758: Configurable signatures for e-mail templates + Feature #981: Add timestamp to blogposts and newsposts + Feature #982: Improve installer + Feature #987: Use notifFloatBox for grid update >> From 3.0.2 to 3.1.0 << - Bug #468: ia_url leads to non-www domain - Bug #531: Incorrect behavior of checkbox columns if there are several grids on a page - Bug #646: Missing Add field Shown on Pages - Section Headers - Bug #647: Listing Field - Shown in Search as dropdown - Bug #648: Listing fields jumping unassigned group - Bug #652: Add Account - Set User Group - Bug #653: Edit Phrases - Table Visibility - Bug #654: Listing fields check box set - required field - Bug #702: Add Menu - Improper naming of added pages in list - Bug #1010: Listings with non-valid captcha can be submitted - Bug #1012: Dependencies are not considered when installing a plugin - Bug #1013: Manage database errors - Bug #1022: Loop redirect when making Login page as site home page - Bug #1023: "Field Group" and "Show on Pages" options can't be saved - Bug #1024: Add log notice about successful upgrades - Bug #1025: Disable automatic upgrades - Bug #1027: Remote plugins list does not displays correctly - Bug #1028: Can't get package's front-end URL for admin panel - Bug #1031: "Visible on pages" option is reset after editing block in the grid - Bug #1032: Ajax request to actions/read.json fails with error: true even if everything was sent correctly. - Bug #1040: No correct log record when package is updated - Bug #1042: Duplicated breadcrumbs on error pages (404, 403 etc) - Bug #1043: Incorrect avatar display in account menu - Bug #1044: Blank page returned when page is redirected to www or non-www domain - Bug #1046: Unknown issues after installation - Bug #1052: Language phrase can be empty - Bug #1058: Bug after installing plugin - Bug #1068: Remove logout account username from menu - Bug #1076: Common functionality to get members - Bug #1082: Strange behavior on Plugins page in admin panel with grids - Bug #1094: Admin Panel: Broken layout on "Copy Language" page - Bug #1095: Sitemap issues after package installation - Bug #1101: Fix max-width for images in IE browsers - Bug #1108: configuration values can be extracted in web browsers' consoles - Bug #1118: No logout button if members functionality is disabled - Bug #1131: incorrect behavior of iaDb::_wrapValues function for ENUM columns - Bug #1132: Incorrect tooltip display - Bug #1136: Filter does not reset pagination in grid - Bug #1151: Can not assign field to group - Bug #1157: Search does not work correctly - Bug #1166: Please add dot for some actions - Bug #1184: bootstrap-editable throws an error - Bug #1186: Error after registration - Bug #1187: Error after registration when Auto generate password is set + Feature #197: Make possible to change url of installed package + Feature #229: Implement XML/RSS request type + Feature #370: Refactor core class + Feature #800: Add classnames for blocks + Feature #803: Automatic sitemap.xml file building + Feature #972: Admin Panel: Create an additional sub-menu for system configurations of extras + Feature #1035: Get rid of redundant parameters of iaField::getAllFields method + Feature #1041: Sitemap generation should be performed using class methods + Feature #1119: Add more hooks for actions.php + Feature #1156: Improve changeset functionality for blocks + Feature #1183: Update twitter icon to intelliants >> From 3.1.0 to 3.1.1 << - Bug #1146: Exported tables can not be imported. - Bug #1149: Admin Panel: long links in Online members block on dashboard break layout - Bug #1158: iaDb::insert function doesn't work properly for mysqli - Bug #1177: Shopping Cart: "are_you_sure_to_delete_selected_categ" phrase missing - Bug #1198: Page not responding with more than 1000+ tree nodes - Bug #1200: Upgrade log does not look good - Bug #1201: Upgrade log immediately being removed once upgrade is complete - Bug #1202: Incorrect admin URL when installed in a different admin directory - Bug #1203: Minify CSS files - Bug #1225: Text config field converts numbers bigger than 10 symbols to other strange number. - Bug #1234: Admin Panel: search in plugins' grid doesn't work on Enter - Bug #1244: Incorrect URL when clicking "Start" on Consistency page - Bug #1248: Strange bug when setting Blog or Members pages as home page. - Bug #1249: Blog: pagination doesn't work as expected - Bug #1254: Embed code (iframes) are cut from textareas on submit - Bug #1265: Edit fieldgroup does not work - Bug #1275: Adding balance increases balance of all members instead of one - Bug #1276: Empty email variable in one of the email templates - Bug #1277: Make Debugger clickable when some page contains a critical error - Bug #1278: Can't restore admin password if members functionality is disabled - Bug #1279: No way to add Number field - Bug #1280: Unable to install remote plugins - Bug #1282: Admin Panel: fields are not saved for plans - Bug #1283: Admin Panel: when saving a plan it doesn't consider "go to" option - Bug #1284: Incorrect IA_MODULE_URL define - Bug #1289: Multiple Images upload: can't remove additional images - Bug #1294: Unable to create inactive block from template install.xml file - Bug #1296: Incorrect data for template layout being inserted into database config - Bug #1300: Field creation does not work - Bug #1301: Review actions.php file - Bug #1302: Page grouping works incorrectly + Feature #1045: Backend: Disable sorting for remote plugins list + Feature #1175: Add order values for hooks + Feature #1212: Improve breadcrumbs styling and layout + Feature #1226: Update fancyBox plugin + Feature #1256: Show current home page in Pages grid + Feature #1271: Add an option to romanize titles in URLs + Feature #1272: Update zeroClipBoard lib to latest version + Feature #1291: Admin panel: allow to assign ID (classes) for columns in grids + Feature #1295: Remote template installation + Feature #1297: Move Templates menu item to Extensions + Feature #1298: Add template configuration + Feature #1299: New admin panel color theme >> From 3.1.1 to 3.1.2 << - Bug #414: Move some code from template to php. - Bug #727: Fix empty first tab - Bug #1191: No link to settings for plugins without pages. - Bug #1209: Reduce timeout for retrieving twitter news to 30 seconds - Bug #1255: Grid: Make "text-wide" cell editor longer - Bug #1307: Incorrect redirect after upgrade - Bug #1308: Upgrade log is generated in TMP instead of UPLOADS - Bug #1309: No log about successful upgrade - Bug #1310: Change colors for successful upgrade notification - Bug #1316: Breadcrumbs generating incorrectly when setting Blog as home page. - Bug #1321: Referrer link is reset when incorrect username or password entered on login page - Bug #1324: Admin Panel: Class 'iaUtf8' not found on plan adding - Bug #1325: Admin Panel: no result message when deleting transactions - Bug #1326: Installation minor strict error - Bug #1328: UTF issues - Bug #1329: No confirmation link/code when registering is sent - Bug #1331: Samples of Email Template tags differ from the used ones - Bug #1335: Menu not rebuilds after activating template - Bug #1336: Better versioning for mysql - Bug #1337: Display default picture dimensions for fields - Bug #1338: Delete Block, Delete Page button doesn't work. - Bug #1341: Pages: remove Home page from parents + Feature #14: Refactor major classes + Feature #595: Create function to return page url by page name + Feature #877: Implement language comparison tool + Feature #912: Improve Custom URL for pages + Feature #1190: Create page for entering confirmation code after registration + Feature #1250: Implement template overrides for plugins. + Feature #1303: Get rid of IA_NOUTF checks + Feature #1312: Intelli.cookie: add ability to pass cookie path + Feature #1315: Update CKEditor library + Feature #1319: Create tpl for pagination + Feature #1327: Hooks order management via dashboard + Feature #1339: No need to display +/- when only one upload file allowed >> From 3.1.2 to 3.1.3 << - Bug #1342: Pages: problem with parents - Bug #1343: Incorrect values are written during field creation - Bug #1344: Disable Toggle editor button on Hooks page for editArea plugin - Bug #1345: Upgrade issues - Bug #1361: Fields filtering does not work correctly when there are many dependencies - Bug #1368: Multiple hooks execution - Bug #1369: Get rid of members search if members are disabled - Bug #1390: Error on View Member page when Google Map plugin installed. - Bug #1392: Better field values separation for install.xml - Bug #1393: Images are not processed correctly - Bug #1394: Unable to duplicate pagination - Bug #1409: Reversed order of parent breadcrumb elements if more than 1 parent + Feature #1370: Improve upgrade page design / features + Feature #1406: Add status for fields: active/inactive >> From 3.1.3 to 3.1.4 << - Bug #1197: Add versioning to CSS/js files - Bug #1314: Can't upload files with the same name using system fields - Bug #1420: Admin Panel: can not change status of member on add/edit page - Bug #1422: Problem with home page - Bug #1430: Dependent fields are not being saved properly - Bug #1431: Install module is inaccessible. - Bug #1432: Incorrect working of 'First' and 'Last' buttons in Members Pagination - Bug #1438: Make sure two date fields operate correctly - Bug #1442: 404 error if change the home page and revert it back - Bug #1445: Numeric strings in text fields are processed incorrectly - Bug #1457: Unable to clear date field value + Feature #1208: Add 'Resolve issue' button for notifications where possible + Feature #1434: Style 404 page + Feature #1444: Add the "store-load" listener to IntelliGrid + Feature #1459: Display title field in all-items-page.tpl >> From 3.1.4 to 3.1.5 << - Bug #1465: Mysql version field is empty - Bug #1466: Admin Panel: configuration link is displayed in Extensions section when package is deactivated - Bug #1468: If image doesn't exist in uploads folder it can not be removed - Bug #1469: Parent & children pages don't work again - Bug #1473: Blank page if no mysqli extension installed - Bug #1491: Account balance does not update when adding transaction - Bug #1494: Member Balance page shows incorrect funds + Feature #86: Improve Hooks List in debug mode + Feature #1364: Easy backup creation before upgrade process + Feature #1425: Move xml extension to constant + Feature #1443: Debug in HTML comments mode + Feature #1484: Improve sitemap + Feature #1497: Link to subrion.org instead of subrion.com >> From 3.1.5 to 3.1.6 << - Bug #1482: Incorrect working of Remote Plugins installation if I have not the latest version of the core - Bug #1498: Unable to set a title for uploaded image - Bug #1532: Error in debugger - Bug #1533: Incorrect iaDb::convertIds() function behavior - Bug #1548: Default value for fields is set to 0 - Bug #1549: New blocks are not added during a package upgrade - Bug #1550: Frontend: intelli.notifFloatBox shows all of notifications in red (as error) - Bug #1556: Titles are empty for multiple images upload field - Bug #1561: When package is disabled - statistics block is visible on dashboard - Bug #1562: Fields order is reversed after any package reinstallation + Feature #301: Reinstall template button + Feature #1505: Return mysql error in debugger instead of php error + Feature #1516: Disable pages with + Feature #1522: Change dev.subrion.com to .org + Feature #1524: Admin Panel: improved graphical presentation of added items/listings + Feature #1526: Implement some easy way to add custom tabs + Feature #1528: Improve debug hooks section + Feature #1530: Backend: URL preview field isn't completely visible + Feature #1543: Open page in a new window + Feature #1552: phpListingRemoved should be called in package's abstract classes + Feature #1555: Add GPLv3 license to the core files + Feature #1575: Hooks from template install >> From 3.1.6 to 3.1.7 << - Bug #1330: Administrator is not notified when a new member is registered - Bug #1512: Admin Panel: editable fields in grid can't be edited - Bug #1579: Incorrect breadcrumb and page title for Edit Member - Bug #1580: admin_payment_notification email template is missing - Bug #1591: Allow to open pages in new window - Bug #1592: Images are processed but not saved if error appears on submission - Bug #1593: Pages are not deleted from menus - Bug #1599: Admin login screen - Bug #1610: Parsing of templates install.xml file + Feature #1596: Provide a hook to catch the change of configuration options + Feature #1597: Sanitize HTML on debug outputs + Feature #1600: Update packages icons + Feature #1609: Upgrade PHPMailer to the latest version >> From 3.1.7 to 3.1.8 << - Bug #1616: Collapsed state for fieldgroups - Bug #1618: Review all existing templates - Bug #1621: HTML output is not properly sanitized - Bug #1626: Resolve some W3C errors - Bug #1636: Admin Panel: wrong template configuration link - Bug #1637: Stay on the same page when switching language - Bug #1638: DropDown field type - Bug #1645: Thumbnail default size option doesn't work - Bug #1664: Improve debug functions - Bug #1676: There is no way to look through the view entry page of any plugin if plugin's index page is set as Home page - Bug #1680: Account balance increased twice - Bug #1687: Getting error after set 'Searchable' field's value to ON for any company field - Bug #1715: Inconsistent values for IA_SELF - Bug #1718: There is now way to show 401 error (UNAUTHORIZED) with error message + Feature #80: Default collapsed state + Feature #1622: Add preview icon for templates in PNG format + Feature #1633: Allow adding classnames for menu blocks + Feature #1634: Add new hooks + Feature #1641: Add styles for CKEditor + Feature #1642: New skin for CKEditor + Feature #1668: Add max length attribute to field-type-content-manage.tpl >> From 3.1.8 to 3.2.0 << - Bug #716: Permissions issue for extras' pages - Bug #862: Moderators Cannot Approve / Edit Users - Bug #1259: Make it possible to pass smarty variables into blocks - Bug #1382: Issue with action buttons: privileges are not applied for them - Bug #1670: Incorrect generating of URL for static pages during adding extensions - Bug #1704: html_radio_switcher generates 2 inputs with the same name - Bug #1716: There is no way to look through the view entry page of any package if package's index page is set as Home page - Bug #1719: Incorrect adding of new phrases via Admin Panel - Bug #1724: There is no way to change hook values in grid of Admin Panel - Bug #1733: User's name is not escaped in Member menu - Bug #1743: Incorrect field type when creating a storage field - Bug #1746: User confirmation is not working - Bug #1753: Installation: specify default values in DB scheme - Bug #1757: Inventory does not look good in Skeleton - Bug #1767: Get rid of IE6 notices - Bug #1768: Incorrect working of 'movable=false' feature when Visual Mode is enabled - Bug #1769: Incorrect breadcrumb on PHPINFO - Bug #1776: Several issues when installed to HTTPS domain - Bug #1783: Get rid of favorites confirmation - Bug #1787: CKEditor not showing up on mobile devices (Android Phones, iPhone, iPad etc.) - Bug #1789: Add to balance does not work - Bug #1793: Get rid of obsolete auth code - Bug #1799: Error when template does not have configs - Bug #1800: Hide admin menu pages group if no items - Bug #1802: Incorrect link to edit page created by Logger - Bug #1805: Dependent configurations - Bug #1816: Option to disable remote templates + Feature #40: Columns layout improvements + Feature #69: Javascript tree improvements + Feature #81: Improve block positions + Feature #90: Visual mode improvements + Feature #92: Improve blocks / pages relations + Feature #132: Show header for custom menus + Feature #314: Improve usergroup permissions page + Feature #336: Blocks/menus relations + Feature #337: All pages except few of them for blocks + Feature #341: Template suggestions + Feature #464: Add a way to setup different fieldgroups for usergroups + Feature #751: Implement a function to send emails to administrators + Feature #898: Load data for existing blocks only + Feature #1014: Implement infinite scroll as core js component + Feature #1436: Add description/help-block config field + Feature #1564: Add 'Show header' ability to every Menu + Feature #1583: Review caching items + Feature #1614: Refactor notification float box + Feature #1630: intelliGrid: exclude dashboard path chunk + Feature #1659: Update the JS Tree library to the latest version + Feature #1671: Make it possible to disable all blocks for certain pages by changing only one setting + Feature #1689: Update Date/Time picker library + Feature #1700: Pass toolbar config name to ia_wysiwyg + Feature #1717: Implement method to update user session information + Feature #1751: Get rid of protocols for JS / CSS + Feature #1756: Refactor templates structure + Feature #1759: Assignable usergroups + Feature #1770: Better access to Visual Mode + Feature #1790: Improve debug + Feature #1798: Disabled positions/blocks status + Feature #1803: Add iaDb::replace() method + Feature #1814: Recurring payments + Feature #1815: Permissions filters >> From 3.2.0 to 3.2.1 << - Bug #681: Fix payment redirect issue - Bug #894: "Re-declare class" fatal error during payment process. - Bug #1511: incorrect table extraction for PHP 5.2 - Bug #1760: Sponsored status when plan disabled - Bug #1794: Email-template: member created at... - Bug #1797: Block name is not used when a block is created - Bug #1819: Fix installer styles - Bug #1822: Image field: title generated improperly - Bug #1824: Smarty permissions - Bug #1838: Missing tips for field types - Bug #1839: Image field: no dimension properties - Bug #1841: Incorrect method called on payment cancellation - Bug #1842: Fields edit issues - Bug #1843: Pay from account balance is displayed for visitor - Bug #1844: Multiple functions with the same functionality - Bug #1845: Incorrect params passed - Bug #1846: Incorrect response code returned - Bug #1848: Package pages section is reset - Bug #1857: Avatar does not display on member details page + Feature #1817: Add title for edit menu title popup + Feature #1852: Store payment email & fullname + Feature #1855: Create well designed error pages + Feature #1856: Improve postPayment routine + Feature #1860: Method to extract meta keywords >> From 3.2.1 to 3.2.2 << - Bug #1862: Get rid of screenshots folder in packages - Bug #1869: Better styles for lists in plugins/templates docs - Bug #1872: Delete cached plugins list - Bug #1876: Error notice when applying a patch which does not contain SQL queries - Bug #1884: Usergroup value is not saved - Bug #1896: Statistics block - Bug #1902: Backend: inconsistent plans list when trying to manually add transaction - Bug #1903: Payment gateway is not removed from gateways list when removing corresponding plugin - Bug #1906: Vulnerability issue - Bug #1907: Images with non UTF chars cannot be saved - Bug #1910: Incorrect address link of 'Additional Info' button of any template in Admin Panel - Bug #1912: Package upgrade issues - Bug #1918: Plugin link is still active when a plugin is disabled + Feature #1691: Grid: add an ability to pre-set sorting column and direction + Feature #1863: Display last logged in date + Feature #1868: No real need for email templates in JS + Feature #1897: Plugin installation improvements + Feature #1898: Extension improvements + Feature #1916: Improve member filter + Feature #1917: Usergroups filter on Members page >> From 3.2.2 to 3.2.3 << - Bug #887: Session save path issues - Bug #1818: Incorrect upgrade sql logic - Bug #1911: Pages settings are not saved on Edit Block - Bug #1922: Change description tooltip for External file name - Bug #1923: Incorrect output on Turkish language - Bug #1924: Fatal error on Turkish sites when several languages added. - Bug #1927: Incorrect working of plugin upgrade functionality - Bug #1932: Minor security issue reported by Netsparker - Bug #1933: No replacements for admin notifications - Bug #1935: Transactions search by username - Bug #1937: Incorrect pages creation during package upgrade + Feature #1749: Switch to controllers + Feature #1938: Admin Panel: blocks should be sorted by title by default >> From 3.2.3 to 3.2.4 << - Bug #1946: Pagination: GET parameters removed for the first page - Bug #1951: Blocks aren't displayed after package/plugin installation - Bug #1959: Incorrect fieldgroup for item + Feature #1958: Extensions compatibility improvements >> From 3.2.4 to 3.2.5 << - Bug #1934: Field group issue when adding new field - Bug #1960: There is a DataBase error when adding missing phrases in Comparison page. - Bug #1962: Value of pages on which block will be displayed is reset after any change in the grid - Bug #1975: Reference id is not recorded - Bug #1979: Removing photos + Feature #823: Include item's ID/Title to payment details + Feature #1977: Display premium templates + Feature #1981: Improve dashboard for smaller resolutions + Feature #1982: Display premium packages in list + Feature #1983: Languages Comparison: add a filter to be able to search the phrases of "core" component >> From 3.2.5 to 3.2.6 << - Bug #768: Multilanguage accurate sorting - Bug #922: Issue with cyrillic domains - Bug #1913: iaMailer does not add Email TO value - Bug #1980: Blocks changeset - Bug #1989: Startup template: fix dropdown menu - Bug #1997: KCaptcha Plugin: requires improvement - Bug #2013: Incorrect generating of item_id value in transactions table - Bug #2016: No username var in register email template + Feature #1538: Synchronize the timezone between PHP and DBMS + Feature #1886: Add config that will allow to have different date and time formats + Feature #1991: Restrict area for non admin + Feature #2015: Update phpMailer library + Feature #2017: Date field improvements + Feature #2018: Update phpImageWorkshop >> From 3.2.6 to 3.2.7 << - Bug #970: Language content for blocks and other items - Bug #1732: Log shows actually removed directories as existent - Bug #1734: Personal Blog: could not read language specific RSS feed on a multilingual site - Bug #1930: Email confirmation link does not work in some Mail clients and Web Browsers - Bug #1988: Incorrect title assigns in Admin Panel - Bug #1994: Can't delete description for field groups - Bug #1996: Incorrect working of multilingual functionality for plans - Bug #1998: There is no way to sort plugins in the Available Plugins tab during Remote type - Bug #2031: "Recent Reviews": Reviews showed even if the corresponding item has been removed - Bug #2032: Dropdown menu does not work correctly on Internet Explorer - Bug #2038: Usergroup duplication - Bug #2039: Multiple fields not functioning properly + Feature #27: Reorder images using drag & drop + Feature #95: Include pages content search + Feature #196: Add multi-language support for usergroups + Feature #591: First image as thumbnail + Feature #1065: Add ability to reorder images in gallery field + Feature #1519: Make it possible to change positions of images in galleries + Feature #1967: Date field improvements + Feature #1976: Improve security + Feature #2005: Update RSS reader plugin for 3.2.x versions + Feature #2027: Script upgrade: hide the Rollback command if it's inaccessible to user + Feature #2028: Make possible to sort by remote plugins + Feature #2035: Implement page search + Feature #2037: Session tmp folder >> From 3.2.7 to 3.3.0 << - Bug #1456: No action buttons in search for some packages - Bug #1939: https:// is not using by default - Bug #1972: Incorrect working of multilingual functionality for blocks - Bug #2014: DataBase error on Permissions page when click on Reset all to default link - Bug #2041: Dependent fields are visible - Bug #2044: Changelog does not look good - Bug #2046: Phpimageworkshop lib stops the script when trying to upload an invalid image file - Bug #2049: Smileys are not inserted in CKEditor - Bug #2056: Unable to install the script to servers with port differs from default - Bug #2066: Incorrect redirect after admin home changes - Bug #2075: Transactions grid is not sorted by date by default - Bug #2077: PHP 5.5. compatibility - Parsing Error: Call to undefined function mysql_errno() on line 160 in file includes/classes/ia.core.mysqli.php + Feature #754: Add template config for RTL support + Feature #786: Make "pictures" field to be displayed as a single upload input + Feature #866: Implement rtl template + Feature #973: Add ability to change language title + Feature #1481: Make it possible to upload custom no-preview and no-avatar images + Feature #1677: Ability to change language order * Feature #2022: Gallery on item view page + Feature #2057: Custom template file for pages * Feature #2058: Easier access to phrases management * Feature #2059: Get rid of UTF8 charset option in templates + Feature #2072: Implement OpenGraph functionality * Feature #2076: phpFastCache update to 3.0 * Feature #2078: Update debug highlight library * Feature #2079: Revive Back to top >> From 3.3.0 to 3.3.1 << - Bug #1623: Packages: uploaded images deleted on listing removal, but assigned files don't - Bug #1954: Backend styles are broken for HTTPS - Bug #1974: Accordion does not work - Bug #2081: User-Avatar in search results gets wrong link - Bug #2082: Field default value - Bug #2083: Incorrect filter for pages - Bug #2084: Download config does not work - Bug #2085: Datetime field is not displayed correctly - Bug #2086: Incorrect fieldgroup on Add field page - Bug #2097: Admin panel: config menus did not get Active state - Bug #2100: Edit menu right click - Bug #2102: CSRF should be added to database management page - Bug #2105: Error during installation * Feature #2095: Update adminer library >> From 3.3.1 to 3.3.2 << - Bug #2097: Admin panel: config menus did not get Active state - Bug #2108: Upgrade: languages are not correctly fetched - Bug #2116: Duplicate JS file comes with the script - Bug #2118: Members filter is incorrect - Bug #2121: Problems with sorting in Usergroups grid - Bug #2123: Problems with sorting (order by title) in Usergroups grid - Bug #2131: Strange formation of key for usergroup name - Bug #2134: No rows removed on package uninstallation from the "config_custom" table + Feature #2132: Add php class for mobile detection >> From 3.3.2 to 3.3.3 << - Bug #2110: Error notices generated even if a force upgrade completed successfully - Bug #2112: Installation issues with dependent templates - Bug #2119: Field & fieldgroup titles written on current language only - Bug #2122: Core upgrade error - Bug #2135: Upgrade: output a phrases installation to the log - Bug #2136: Extras is not updated - Bug #2137: Vulnerable code in users - Bug #2138: Transaction fields cannot be added - Bug #2139: Incorrect registration process - Bug #2141: Improve isScriptInstalled function - Bug #2143: Errors and warnings after fresh installation >> From 3.3.3 to 3.3.4 << - Bug #1928: "Session expire time (in minutes)" configuration param is not actually used - Bug #1953: Error while making the backup of site with a lot of data before upgrade process started - Bug #1992: Add rule to Cronjob to clear {prefix}online table - Bug #2127: Pagination doesn work on Search results page for any package - Bug #2146: Problems with default home page - Bug #2149: Undefined constant sometimes in admin dashboard - Bug #2153: Bug with Re-installing FancyBox and Kcaptcha plugins - Bug #2154: Email template body is empty after changing it from default - Bug #2155: Get rid of rel attribute in plugins - Bug #2159: Incorrect display of phrases on Phrases page in Admin Panel during first load - Bug #2165: Searchable config doesn't work for any package - Bug #2167: Impossible either to upgrade or reinstall Facebook plugin 3.2.3 - Bug #2171: Use custom tpl option cannot be disable once enabled - Bug #2172: Manually created fields for package items must be removed when user deletes a package. - Bug #2177: Password is not escaped when creating config.inc.php - Bug #2178: Unable to install the script when INCLUDES folder is unwritable + Feature #2164: Default image for og:image tag, if entry doesn't have one + Feature #2169: Implement Tree field + Feature #2182: Create 'password' type of configuration params >> From 3.3.4 to 3.3.5 << - Bug #978: Header field exceeds server limit - Bug #1625: Changes made by template installation are not reverted back - Bug #1952: System hangs if any package is installed on multilingual site - Bug #1984: There is a blank page when trying to generate a sitemap in Admin Panel - Bug #2080: Mod deflate issues in Apache 2.4 - Bug #2117: Review dependent parent fields - Bug #2162: Hide message "Deprecated: mysql_connect(): The mysql extension is ..." after installing Subrion CMS on XAMPP environment - Bug #2179: Incorrect sitemap generation - Bug #2186: Opengraph description bugs - Bug #2187: Robots trying to index /cron/ URL - Bug #2189: Incorrect page definition + Feature #2170: Cron Manager + Feature #2183: Make possible to create 'Tree' fields via install.xml + Feature #2192: Allow datepicker for fields + Feature #2195: .htaccess warning for Mac users + Feature #2198: Implement 'Scheduled Tasks' admin panel section >> From 3.3.5 to 4.0.0 << - Bug #17: Unused foreach loop in ia.admin.extra.php - Bug #1786: Consider the need for General section in Pictures configuration - Bug #1968: 404 errors on the backend when installed to some servers - Bug #2201: Incorrect display of paid plugins in the Admin Panel - Bug #2218: Error notices at 404 page in admin panel - Bug #2244: Facebook plugin bug with user ids - Bug #2251: Unused foreach loop in ia.admin.extra.php + Feature #94: Improved actions functionality + Feature #219: CKEditor images enlargements + Feature #309: Jquery boxes instead of Confirm pop-up + Feature #327: Improve search functionality + Feature #335: Multilingual option on Edit block page + Feature #773: Possible integration of more icon fonts + Feature #1398: Implement pagination at the "My Favorites" page + Feature #1563: Make it possible to add lightbox effect to images within CKeditor + Feature #1699: Review Favorites functionality for non common cases + Feature #1701: Integrate fotorama for photogallery + Feature #1702: Add styles for XML output + Feature #1720: Add the feature that will allow to choose/edit to which plan assign member on Add Member page in Admin Panel + Feature #1873: Implement 'Add to favorites' feature in the 'Actions' block for non registered users + Feature #2113: Way to notify members about critical changes + Feature #2203: Improve watermarks + Feature #2226: Add all intelli constants output to Debugger + Feature #2229: Improve pages/item fields relations + Feature #2230: More default images for templates + Feature #2231: More member fields + Feature #2236: Implement Gravatars >> From 4.0.0 to 4.0.1 << - Bug #2249: Tag cloud plugin + Feature #2276: Improve styles + Feature #39: Copyrights in source files >> From 4.0.1 to 4.0.2 << - Bug #2272: Bug in changeset of templates' install.xml - Bug #2289: Backend: bug in email templates - Bug #2300: It's possible to cancel transaction in any status of any user - Bug #2301: Output should be sanitized in purchase-post.tpl - Edit invoice duplicates items + Feature #587: PDO move + Feature #1547: Implement the way to easily change Cropped images to Fit images + Feature #2238: Permanent login + Feature #2267: Personal Blog: make possible to manage content on the frontend + Feature #2269: Improve balance page + Feature #2295: Save filters for items + Link visitor favorites to account + Migrate installation to MySQLi + Add panel toggle in admin dashboard + Social login integration + install.xml - proper changeset + Resend confirmation email * Third party libraries improvements >> From 4.0.2 to 4.0.3 << - Bug #2040: Incorrect member fetch - Bug #2224: Add validation on listing field creation - Issue #82: Quick search: results bug + Feature #1763: Refactor output of listings list on View member page + Issue #86: Make possible to specify an execution phase for SQL queries in install.xml files + Issue #87: Package installation: add fieldgroups processing * Issue #54: Implement new inclusion of tpl files for templates and hooks * Issue #81: Package upgrade - items creation * Issue #85: Upgrade subsystem: invalid 'Host' parameter >> From 4.0.3 to 4.0.4 << - Issue #79: Refactor owner field - Issue #91: Left sidebar in admin panel covers tooltips - Issue #93: CKEditor changes asynchronous adsense code - Issue #94: Mistype in Admin Panel - Issue #95: Incorrect working of 'Forgot password' functionality - Issue #97: No filters on Members page + Feature #532: Make it possible to translate admin panel menus + Feature #618: Ability to set @type and @length to the config_groups section + Feature #640: Provide the way to fill in the ALT attribute with the relevant data + Feature #1867: Create better accounts page + Feature #1871: Improve path routing for hooks + Feature #2088: Allow to run external upgrade SQL file + Feature #2101: Add config that will allow to switch http to https and back + Feature #2107: Adding phrases to all existing languages during a script upgrade >> From 4.0.4 to 4.0.5 << - Bug #880: Template preview does not work correctly - Bug #1029: Page preview does not work correctly - Bug #1460: Admin Panel: page is scrolled down on "Edit Field" page - Issue #82: Quick search: results bug bug - Issue #85: Upgrade subsystem: invalid 'Host' parameter - Issue #98: Sponsored start date is always set to current time when item is edited from admin panel bug - Issue #105: Sponsored end datepicker doesn't updated on plan selection/edition bug - Issue #114: Multiple images upload field's length issue bug - Issue #117: Plugin reinstall does not work * Issue #81: Package upgrade - items creation enhancement * Issue #87: Package installation: add fieldgroups processing enhancement * Issue #108: Better order for fields * Issue #110: Show on page field improvements * Issue #118: Improvements for image field * Issue #119: Infinite Featured end enhancement + Issue #54: Implement new inclusion of tpl files for templates and hooks enhancement + Issue #86: Make possible to specify an execution phase for SQL queries in install.xml files enhancement + Issue #113: Tree field order >> From 4.0.5 to 4.1.0 << - Bug #772: Images that have large size can't be uploaded - Bug #971: Same names for blocks and menus - Bug #1320: Fields with the same name for different items use the same language phrase - Bug #1340: Pages grid: Items per page does not save its state - Bug #1504: small images are stretched if configuration size is bigger - Bug #1683: Breadcrumb first element issues - Bug #1858: Incorrect fields processing - Bug #2237: There is no way to have only Login and Register links in the Inventory menu - Bug #2434: Featured item expiration functionality is not implemented + Feature #147: Improve image manipulation class + Feature #194: Translate some areas of admin panel + Feature #204: Multilingual metas for pages + Feature #238: Multilingual fields for listings and categories + Feature #310: Upgrade Mailer class + Feature #326: Implement RSS url for blocks + Feature #330: Implement Saved Results functionality + Feature #333: Prefix for extras or templates + Feature #334: Template improvements for admin panel + Feature #350: Block in multiple positions + Feature #359: Create class to handle cookies + Feature #421: Create common RSS class + Feature #542: Force SSL for specific pages + Feature #613: Multilingual issues + Feature #677: Improve Phrase manager + Feature #733: Attachment manager + Feature #791: Admin panel: Manage blocks - Show on pages + Feature #875: Multilingual support + Feature #921: Add a way to search through plugin generated content + Feature #1174: Admin Panel: WYSIWYG editors for non-multilingual blocks' content + Feature #1176: Feature to unpack all the serialized listing values + Feature #1317: Better display for download actions + Feature #1449: Implement search by fields with types = DropDown list, Radio Buttons set, Checkboxes set. + Feature #1692: Implement Multilingual Titles for menus + Feature #1693: Change the display type of block titles and block contents in Admin Panel + Feature #1730: New content slider + Feature #1813: Allow to use friendly values in configuration selects + Feature #1825: Allow to login under member + Feature #1853: Send test email + Feature #1854: Improve mailer class + Feature #1900: Implement one file installer + Feature #2103: Different URLs for each language + Feature #2106: Implement the ability to write site title and slogan in different languages + Feature #2109: Make posible to set title for blocks in different languages + Feature #2180: Rest API + Feature #2194: Add a way to delete transactions + Feature #2199: Metas should be multi lingual + Feature #2206: Make it possible to have menu titles for different languages + Feature #2437: Choose different template for each language especially RTL and LTR >> From 4.1.0 to 4.1.1 << - Bug #123: Fields are not updated while upgrading the package - Issue #214: 'Items per page' option not saved in grid + Feature #215: to keep the current page in grid after edit - Bug #347: When reinstalling a template, do not change the data of blocks in the tag of install file - Bug #168: Incorrect working of inputs with type = checkbox in Refine Search block + Feature #370: Fix action button in breadcrumbs - Bug #369: Undefined index: path - Bug #202: Cron file several times execution per request - Bug #366: Add config for CKEditor - Bug #367: Issue with image field on front - Bug #368: Incorrect display for premium remote plugins + Feature #146: Display last transactions in dashboard + Feature #364: Permissions during menu creation + Feature #363: Permissions during page creation - Bug #285: Next launch date for cron jobs calculated incorrectly - Bug #234: Cron date is not set after installation >> From 4.1.1 to 4.1.2 << - Bug #373: Not authorized during upgrade - Bug #379: Extra in Blocks - Bug #380: Search pages does not consider status - Bug #381: Incorrect email replacements - Bug #386: Review ia-categories format - Bug #387: There is no way to deactivate plugin via Admin Panel - Bug #390: Files not found on admin login page - Bug #385: SMTP does not send correctly - Bug #398: Better handling of incorrect db details - Bug #399: Incorrect working of access detection to session.save_path folder on some servers >> From 4.1.2 to 4.1.3 << - Bug #335: Permission for new members in the admin panel does not work correctly - Bug #361: Search modules in dashboard - Bug #377: Pagination in grid not working properly - Bug #391: 404 Page after deleting language from admin part - Bug #402: Members page issues - Bug #405: Multilingual custom configs get processed incorrectly - Bug #408: Grid is broken when trying to sort by multilingual field - Bug #409: Field Group tabs issue - Bug #410: Fieldgroups are not deleted after package uninstallation - Bug #411: 4.1.2 Search is blank page - Bug #414: Images are lost after a validation + Feature #293: Click based filters >> From 4.1.3 to 4.1.4 << - Bug #125: Incorrect sitemap generation for multilingual sites - Bug #400: Keep selected params in grid after reloading the page - Bug #419: Avatar are not displayed on the favorites page - Bug #425: Images are saved with incorrect names if filename contains non latin chars - Bug #427: Adapt sitemap generation to multilingual fields - Bug #431: Items created by plugins don't have all features - Bug #435: The date is show incorrect - Bug #436: Hybrid Auth not working properly - Bug #440: Incorrect working of mail signature - Bug #442: HybridAuth: Facebook login doesn't work - Bug #443: Post payment routine executed twice if paid by internal system funds - Bug #444: Primary language value is lost - Bug #451: Images are not uploaded if watermark is enabled - Bug #452: Text watermarks doesn't work - Bug #455: Unable to set a package as default + Feature #360: Improve modules section + Feature #365: Provide more info when creating language + Feature #423: Add orientation fix for images with EXIF data + Feature #434: Remove item from favorites when deleted + Feature #438: Change column type for text fields >> From 4.1.4 to 4.1.5 << - Bug #422: Values of tree field are not translated - Bug #458: Detect SSL without port - Bug #459: Filter in grid is shared accross several grids - Bug #460: Inconsistent page name in pages mgmt - Bug #461: Sitemap is deleted during cache clear - Bug #462: Permissions issue + Feature #344: Introduce more hooks + Feature #466: Add config: allow animated gifs + Feature #468: Properly escape HTML in debug output >> From 4.1.5 to 4.2.0 << - Bug #76: Some sponsored plan's fields are still available even if plan is expired - Bug #104: Tree improvements - Bug #227: Implement a notice in installator about CloudFlare's Flexible SSL - Bug #309: Adminer does not support PHP 7 - Bug #333: Cache twitter timeline - Bug #385: Review hooks inclusion - Bug #406: Send test emails - Bug #448: Watermark does't work - Bug #454: Multi language - New Page creation - Bug #465: Gif format is not uploaded in dropzone - Bug #472: Ajax call responses are only in default language - Bug #482: Backup of DB from admin part is not correct - Bug #489: Not show sql queries in debug panel - Bug #490: Password hashing refactor - Bug #1546: Plugins grid does not resize columns on window resizing - Bug #2176: Number field issues + Feature #45: Make email templates multi-lingual + Feature #150: Implement multi currency functionality + Feature #203: Translate email templates + Feature #248: Implement the HTTP request validity check against CSRF attacks + Feature #307: Implement currency field type + Feature #541: Different Page Title vs Meta Title + Feature #543: Implement 'Field' API entity + Feature #593: Add Order for usergroups + Feature #684: Add plans for plugins + Feature #993: Add file controller + Feature #1439: Add plugin dependency for templates + Feature #1601: Better way for Email Templates sending for multilingual directories + Feature #1774: Transactions over HTTPS + Feature #1885: Gateway Transaction Log + Feature #1899: Minor usability improvements + Feature #2067: Add ability to have multilingual Email Templates >> From 4.2.0 to 4.2.1 << * Issue #585: Check cron's nextrun date calculation bug * Issue #629: Add example of application to tooltip in Dashboard - Settings - Miscellaneous * Issue #638: CSRF Attack On Change Password! * Issue #640: Wrong URLs on the member list page * Issue #647: Database error. * Issue #652: Members with status = unconfirmed can log into the system * Issue #677: Forget password no email address * Issue #680: Email Templates Quotes Signs problems * Issue #681: Fatal error on registration process * Issue #683: Complaint to 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers' header in iOS * Issue #688: Minor issue on installation process * Issue #692: each is deprecated. Upgrade Smarty * Issue #694: Hybrid auth: Twitter. User is logged in as Administrator * Issue #698: Uncaught ArgumentCountError * Issue #711: Upload image using ckeditor not working * Issue #714: Rebuild category aliases functionality is working incorrectly with multilingual fields * Issue #717: Multilingual field is not validated